Keep the Video Up

Plandemic is a documentary that was the first occurrence of blatant censorship by social media companies. So I started this site in 2019 within the same week it happened to give people access to this video. I am a combat veteran having served in Operation Octave Shield, being injured in Africa and coming back to watch this disgusting power grab play out by our own politicians has enraged me. The Establishment, led by the Democratic Party and Fauci, suppressed all information that rivaled the primary, profitable narrative - which is that COVID-19 is extremely dangerous to everyone and the only hope to give trillions of dollars for vaccines and relinquish many freedoms for the sake of 'safety'. Regardless of whether you think the video is truthful or not, you should agree that nobody has the right to tell us what information we can and can't receive. Donations are extremely appreciated but to be honest, this site will stay up regardless of whether anyone donates or not because I'll use my last dollar to help people find out what's been going on.

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Stripe and PayPal have repeatedly suspended my accounts without cause. I am constantly trying to mitigate this issue so the donation form likely won't work. If you would like to support me and the cause, please use my Venmo or PayPal instead. I really appreciate all support. Just to remind you, this site isn't contingent on donations. I will keep this up to my last dollar so don't feel like you have to donate but if you want to, know that I really do appreciate the support.


Venmo name and link: @smithtexas94

PayPal name and link: @smithtexas94

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Donation Total: $20